A Letter From Our Pastors
Dear partners in ministry at Cross of Christ,
There can be no question that we and our ministry are a living and breathing witness to the truth of the Apostle’s words about Jesus in John 1:16 –“We have all received, grace upon grace.”
We are confident that NOW is the time for Cross of Christ to step out in grace to obtain our own ministry facility. Let us share with you why NOW is the time to step out in faith:
We are entering a new and exciting chapter here at Cross of Christ.
For the first time in its history, our ministry is debt free.
The need for a new dedicated space for our ministry is great.
The Lord has brought us together at this time to extend the legacy of faith we have begun by the grace of God.
We are asking you to commit with us to a journey that has two vital parts:
A spiritual commitment during which we are seeking to grow more and more into Jesus and His grace.
A financial commitment to move our ministry forward.
Here are our goals for this GRACE upon GRACE Capital Campaign: that together we join to make a commitment to spiritual growth in grace, and that together we commit to sacrifice financially for the future of Cross of Christ and our part in the Kingdom of God.
The time is NOW!
Building GRACE upon GRACE,
Pastor Kevin and Pastor Marty
Timeline of Important Events
February 2 - February 28 -. GRACE upon GRACE Spiritual Journey
February 23rd - GRACE upon GRACE Financial Commitment Sunday
March 9th - GRACE upon GRACE Reveal Sunday!