CoC In Action
OUT DAY 2024
VFW in Prescott – 14 volunteers and 48 backpacks filled for homeless veterans
Foothills Food Bank –13 volunteers and 102 hygiene bags created
Youth for Troops – 22 volunteers, 75 care packages filled and shipped, plastic bags sorted/cut/plarn balls created, restocked crates of hygiene items.
Follow the Star –10 volunteers creating 500 craft bags and 250 cookie sprinkles cups.
Teen Challenge – 4 large boxes of donations
Mayer: Snack bags – 24 volunteers and 483 bags created
Mayer warm coats – 15 volunteers and 35+ coats/hoodies
Tennis shoes – 25 pairs of kids tennis shoes/boots
OCJ Kids:
Nursery - 5th grade – 40 Welcome Kits
6th - 8th graders – 24 youth/parents making welcome kits and preparing the
warehouse for One Bright Star toy drive
High School breakfast – 20 kids/parents and 118 meals and $2000 raised
Thank you to all that donated to help with school supplies for OCJ Kids (Tools 4 Success) and Mayer School District. Your care for these children in need is greatly appreciated!.
OCJ Kids is a non-profit in Arizona that focuses on at-risk and foster youth, currently there are 14,000 youth in the foster care system here is Arizona. We have come alongside their ministry with volunteers in group homes, donations of items for supplies to the youth (school supplies, hygiene items, toys for Christmas), and an annual Gala to sponsor their Adulting Summit in the spring.
We provide needed assistant to Mayer School District, near Prescott, with resources throughout the school year. These families live at or below property level and the students are in need of support of everyday items like food, clothing, school supplies, etc. We support this school year round with different support like weekend snack bags, food for their food pantry, school supplies, summer activities, Angel tree, warm coats, and shoes.
About once a month, a group from our church serves a meal, plays games, and hears testimonies from residents at the Ranch. These centers are designed to help individuals (18 years and older) learn how to live drug-free lives. The programs are discipline-oriented and offer a balance of Bible classes, work assignments, and recreation. Thank you to our team for continued support of this ministry!
The Easter Food Drive for the St Vincent De Paul Food Pantry and Foothills Food Bank will be a huge blessing to those in need in Anthem and the surrounding area! Thank you for your generous donations!
Thank you for your considered support of those in need by spreading Christmas cheer to those in need. We were able to make 33 gift bags for Mayer USD students in need. Thank you cards for each Teacher/staff at Mayer USD. Support Adopt-A-Family with resources to Foothills Food Bank. And 2 large boxes of toys for OCJ Kids One Bright Star event for foster youth in Arizona.